Flaky Tests: PR Test Summaries
Flaky TestsWe're excited to introduce a powerful new feature that will help you accelerate your PR iterations: PR Test Summaries!
Imagine this: You're diligently working on a new feature in your branch and ready to submit your Pull Request (PR) for review. You've run your tests locally, and everything looks good. But then you push your code, and—oh no! Some tests you haven’t even touched are failing. This is where our new PR Test Summaries come in!
With this feature, you can quickly identify failing tests and their reasons, as well as pinpoint flaky tests. This way, you’ll know whether the issue lies with your code changes or the tests themselves.
PR Test Summaries
This new feature includes the following:

GitHub PR Comment: Each new PR will receive a comment summarizing the test results, including:
Counts for test runs, categorized by result (failed, flaky, skipped, quarantined)
Collapsible lists for failed, flaky, and skipped tests
For failed and flaky tests: detailed failure reasons and direct links to trace logs for quick investigation

PR Summary View: This new view in our web app gives you access to a comprehensive listing of all test run details:
A table showing all test runs, filtered by outcome (passed, failed, or skipped) and whether or not they have been quarantined
Every test run includes an icon to indicate whether a test is known to be flaky, the failure reason, and more details to investigate

Test Run Detail Panel: You are most likely already familiar with this view; it will show you all run details include tracelogs, branch, job run link, duration, and more.
Learn more about PR Test Summaries in the docs