Flaky Tests: Weekly Reports
Flaky TestsWe're excited to introduce a new way to help your team stay on top of your repository's test health through weekly email reports.
With automatic detection and quarantining, Trunk can do a great job of mitigating the impact of test flakiness on your team's velocity. But we don't want you to forget about your flaky tests. Even if they're no longer causing friction, they should still be fixed eventually.
To help you stay on top of your repo's test health, we created a weekly digest for your flaky tests. Here's what you can expect to find in each report.
Key Metrics
At the top of each report, you'll see an overview of important metrics on flaky tests and their impact on your organization. You'll see the number of broken and flaky tests, how many PRs they block, and an estimate of engineering hours lost due to these flaky tests.

We also include the changes week to week. We believe it's important to keep track of week-to-week changes to understand if the flaky tests problem is controlled or if it's spreading. This helps you decide whether more resources should be devoted to fixing and controlling flaky tests. It can also alert against larger issues where a bug in code or infrastructure can cause a spike in test flakiness.
Per-Repo Breakdown
If your org is tracking flaky tests across many repos, the weekly report will break down the key metrics for each repo. This helps you see which repos are doing well and which might need extra love.

Frequently Failing Tests
Each report has a dedicated section for frequently failing tests. This alerts against high-impact broken and flaky tests. You can use this list to catch newly introduced high-impact flaky tests or get an overview of the flaky tests you should be investigating next with your team.

Important Action Items
Toolrot can be a real issue with the sheer scale of infrastructure required for modern CI. The weekly email reports will remind you if your CI is misconfigured or if there's a new version of the analytics-uploader tool you should upgrade to. All of these help ensure your detection remains accurate and effective.

Who Gets These Reports?
All org admins will get the emails by default as long as you've uploaded test results to us in the past week. The emails are delivered each Monday, and we go over the stats over the last week. You should see these emails in your mailbox starting next week.
If you've got any questions about these email reports or would like to suggest some new additions, please feel free to reach out to us on Slack.